Rec Baseball Age Division is based on the player’s age as of April 30, 2025.
AGE (AS OF APRIL 30, 2025) |
BlastBall (PreT-Ball) |
3 and 4 Years Old |
(Modified T-Ball) |
5 and 6 Years Old |
(Coach Pitch) |
7 Years Old |
(Coach Pitch) |
8 Years Old |
(Kid Pitch) |
9 Years Old |
(Full Baseball Begins) |
10 Years Old |
(Full Baseball) |
11 and 12 Years Old |
(Full Baseball) |
13 and 14 Years Old |
All Rec baseball players (7U through 14U) are encouraged to attend the player looks per the schedule below. If a player cannot attend their specific allotted look day, then please attend the other listed day if possible. KYA BlastBall and T-Ball participants do not have player looks. The league commissioner places these participants on teams as best as possible in relation to residency and or school they attend or will attend. Efforts are made to honor coach and friend requests in the BlastBall and T-Ball age divisions.
By attending the player look, the player will be eligible to be drafted by the attending head coaches after the player's 100% participation at the player look. If a participating Rec player does not complete 100% of the entire player look session they attend, then they will be placed in the blind draft. No exceptions!
All Rec players will be placed on a team regardless of participation in the player look sessions.
1/31 @ 6pm on Field 11 (Last Names Beginning with A - M)
02/01 @ 6:30 pm on Field 11 (Last Names Beginning with N - Z)
1/27 @ 6pm on Field 11 (Last Names Beginning with A - M)
1/28 @ 6pm on Field 11 (Last Names Beginning with N - Z)
1/27 @ 6pm on Field 2 (Last Names Beginning with A - M)
02/01 @ 6:30 pm on Field 4 (All Remaining Players)
1/28 @ 6pm on Field 2 (Last Names Beginning with A - M)
02/01 @ 6pm on Field 2 (All Remaining Players)
1/27 @ 6pm on Field 1 (Last Names Beginning with A - M)
1/28 @ 6pm on Field 1 (Last Names Beginning with N - Z)
1/27 @ 6pm on Field 3 (Last Names Beginning with A - M)
1/28 @ 6pm on Field 3 (Last Names Beginning with N - Z)
Questions can be directed to your age appropriate divisional baseball commissioner via the Contacts link.